
About Me

Welcome to MommaCrossfitter! 

I'm Whit the momma sweatin' her buns off with crossfit!
I started Crossfit this past April and am finally begining to love it.
I didn't like hated it at first. You can read more about that here.

Some fun facts about myself:

I have a degree in Sign Language Interpreting.
I recently resigned from my interpreting job to stay home full-time with my little one.

I am happily married to this handsome man! 
(Stand back ladies, he's all mine!)

We have a lot of fun together!!
 He talks me into doing the silliest things...don't judge.

In 2012, I was blessed with this little guy who makes my life complete.
I thank God every day for this little miracle. I couldn't ask for a sweeter little boy.

He's growing up fast! I'm constantly chasing him trying to keep him out of things.
He's shy like his mommy and ornery like his daddy. 

I come from a large-ish family. There are 8 of us total.
One of my siblings is my twin brother.
(What do you mean we don't look anything alike?!)

Some other interesting useless facts about myself..

I love crafting, quilting, decorating,and all things creative.

I can suction my top lip to my nose. And no, I will not show you a picture because I look ridiculous!

I can name all the presidents first names in order. (I learned them for extra credit in 4th grade & I still haven't forgotten)

I love cartoons! I get more excited for kid's movies than chic flicks. True story.

I REFUSE to watch any scary movie. I even look away if there is a commercial for one on tv.

I'm in love with the 40's & 50's fashion. Frock dresses and polka dots? Yes please! 

(If you're not sure what that type of fashion looks like-think of the movie The Notebook)

I can never decide if I want my hair long or short...I love it both ways!!

I love strawberries.
 I love chocolate.
I hate chocolate covered strawberries.
Seriously, fruit & chocolate should never be mixed.

I'm a happy stay-home mom living my dream!

I prefer salty of sweet.

I also occasionally blog over at JanaeToday.


  1. I wish you would come back!!! please!!! I just started you 30 day challenge and I would love to see your progress. I know how busy life can be, I have a 4, 3, and 2 year old. So whenever you have time!!! Thanks!!

    1. Aw thanks for the encouragement!! It was just what I needed! In all honesty, I've been struggling! I'm needing to lose around 15lbs of baby weight still ( and she just turned one!) so maybe I'll start blogging again and posting workouts and my progress! Thanks Victorya

  2. I agree!!! LOVE chocolate and LOVE fruit but the two together? NEVER
