
Monday, July 15, 2013

Motivate Me Monday

Sunday's are usually my rest days, so when Monday creeps up on me I have a hard time getting the excitement to exercise. To get motivated, I turn to fitness magazines, blogs, or funny crossfit pictures on pinterest. I thought I would share with you what motivates me.
Today I'm motivated by this picture:

 Have you tried to squat like this with just one leg?
If you haven't, stand up right now and try it.
It's much harder than it looks!
I've tried and tried and I am still unable to do it. 
I'm getting closer though!

This picture reminds me that I can't do it and motivates me to keep trying.
I am determined!

For those of you who may not know who is in this picture, this is Christmas Abbot.
She is an amazing crossfitter! 
I like to say she is small but mighty!
She looks so small and lean, but she is ALL muscle. 

Well I'm not going to get that kind of body by just looking at her so I better get my WOD on! 
Today's Wod looks like this:

Run 800m
21 Chest to bar pullups
15 kettlebell swings
9 squat cleans
Run 800m
15 kettlebell swings
21 Cheast to bar pullups
Run 800m

 Now go your sweat on!


  1. I did pistol squats today as part of a Wod I did today! Yea it was the first time and I didn't do well at all! One Leg was stronger but like you I a,m determined to master it!

    1. Well good! They are quite the challenge! It was surprisingly easier on my left leg than my right. I was able to go down farther on the left but once I got down I could not get back up! ha! Some day we WILL get it!!

  2. What can I sub pull ups for at home without a bar?
