
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Which WOD?

First off, I would like to thank all of you for being patient with me! I know I've seemed to be missing lately so if you've messaged me lately or tried to get ahold of me, I'm sorry I'm so slow but I WILL get you messaged back! Thanks for waiting so patiently!

Also, a few people have asked me lately where I get some of my workouts. At the beginning, I just found some on pinterest and other blogs. I would also tweak other workouts I saw and make them my own by adding or taking away certain exercises. (Especially since I don't have a lot of the equipment you find in some exercises!)

Recently a friend introduced me to a new website called the WodShop. It's great!! I can't believe I hadn't heard of it before! If you go to the website HERE and click on WODS you can pick workouts based on specific categories. So say one day you want to focus more on endurance, then you just pick a workout from the Edurance category. Or maybe you don't have weights and just do workouts with your bodyweight, then you can pick a workout from the Bodyweight category! How awesome is that?!! If you haven't been to the site, you should definitely go now and check it out!