
Thursday, May 16, 2013

30 Day At-Home Crossfit Challenge

    I decided I would share my 30 Day At-Home Crossfit Challenge with you in case anyone wants to join me..and this way I don't have to bore you with posting my WODS everyday with you! I wanted to share my at-home workouts with you because I know I'm not the only one who can't afford to go to a box (not to mention the closest one is an hour away)! I am a beginner so I don't have much equipment...I have a 15 lb kettlebell and one 8 lb dumbbell. That's it! Even if you don't have that, just find something heavy to use until you get one. As for box jumps, I don't have a box either, so I jump up 2 steps on a set of staircases.

No excuses.

Before you begin, know that you WILL be sore. You will hurt. You will want to quit. And if you are like me, you will HATE the beginning that is. But the more you do it, the more you will love it. You just wait and see!

On the schedule, you will notice on REST days I still have down to run or walk one mile. It's still good to stay active even on a rest day. It doesn't even have to be a walk or a run. You can go swimming, go for a bike ride, or play JustDance on the wii!

I believe one of the most important things to remember is...Never compromise your form! These workouts are tough! You will get tired and will want to rush to be done. This is when injuries normally happen. If you have 20 pushups left to do and your back is arching and your body is not align..stop. Take 1 minute to catch your breath. And then try again focusing on your form and keeping your body tight/align. If you still cannot complete your pushups, finish them by doing "girl pushups". There is nothing wrong with having to do girl pushups. Don't over do it to the point you hurt yourself. Listen to your body! (But don't listen to your mind. Your mind will always give up before body.)

Also, before and after pictures are always fun! Take a picture of yourself before the challenge as well as after! If you do, be sure to share! I will be posting some photos and sharing my progress next week!! Eek!

Now go get your sweat on!

30 Day At-Home Crossfit Challenge

“Be stronger than your strongest excuse.”

Day #1

Run 400m
15 squats
10 pushups
20 kb swings

*4 rounds
Day #2

7 burpees
14 kb swings
21 situps
10 squats
7 lunges

*5 rounds for time
Day #3

10 burpees
15 pushups
20 bike crunches
25 scissor abs
30 squats

*5 rounds
Day #4

15 burpees
25 situps
25 pushups
20 tricep dips

*4 rounds

Day #5

5 burpees
10 pushups
15 situps
20 squats

*8 rounds
Day #6


1 mile

Day #7

20 goblet squats
20 splitlunges (each leg)
10 box jumps
20 kb slashers
20 swings

*3 rounds
(5 for advanced)
Day #8

AMRAP 20 min.

20 db thrusters
10 pullups
10 bicep curls
20 overhead squats

Day #9

Run 800m
6 pushups
6 boxjumps
9 squats

*4 rounds
Day #10

AMRAP 20 min

15 kb swings
10 burpees
15 squats
10 pshups
Day #11

10 pullups
100 jumpropes
10 boxjumps
10 pushups

*5 rounds
Day #12

AMRAP 15 min

10 hand-release pushups
12 air squats
100 m sprint
10 inch worms
7 burpees
12 alternating lunges
100 m sprint
Day #13


Run/walk 1 mile
Day #14

AMRAP 20 min

Run 200m
9 burpees
30 crunches
5 pushups
10 squat jumps

Day #15

Run ½ mile
10 pushups
20 squats
30 situps

*6 rounds!

Day #16

Invisible Fran
(for time)


air squats
& pushups

Day #17

Run 400m
15 squats
10 pushups
20 kb swings

*4 rounds
Day #18

15 burpees
25 situps
15 pushups
20 tricep dips

*4 rounds
Day #19


Run or walk
1 mile
Day #20

5 burpees
10 pushups
15 situps
20 squats

*10 rounds
Day #21

Run 1 mile
33 pushups
Run 1 mile
33 air squats
Run 1 mile
33 burpees

(Don’t give up!)
Day #22

10 burpees
15 pushups
20 bike crunches
25 scissor abs
15 squats

*5 rounds
Day #23

20 goblet squats
20 split lunges (each leg)
10 box jumps
20 kb slashers
20 kb swings

*5 rounds
Day #24


Walk or Run
1 mile
Day #25

Run ½ mile
6 pushups
20 jumpn-jacks
10 squats

*4 rounds
Day #26

10 pullups
100 jumpropes
10 boxjumps
15 pushups

*5 rounds
Day #27

AMRAP 20 min.

15 kb swings
10 burpees
15 squats (air)
10 pushups

Day #28

Invisible Fran
for time
(*see day #16)

Jog 1 mile

Day #29

Run 1 mile
33 pushups
Run 1 mile
33 air squats
Run 1 mile
33 burpees
Day #30

5 burpees
10 pushups
15 situps
20 squats

*12 rounds

AMRAP=As Many Rounds As Possible (in the set time)
Air Squats=Squats without weight
400M= m means meters (400m is 1/4 mile)

Good Luck!!!!

If you are NEW to working out or haven't done exercise in a LONG time, you may find you need more rest days. Feel free to take a rest day every 3-4 days if need be. Rest days are actually good for you, just don't get in the habit of taking too many days off. Don't let yourself go more than 2 days without working out. Because if you do, it will be THAT much harder to get back into it! Trust me.

 One more thing, feel free to mix this schedule around to better fit your work/home schedules. For example, I know some people don't like to workout on Sundays so you can kind of play around with this schedule and change it so Sundays are always your REST days. Just know that I put them is certain orders for a reason. After a HARD day, I try to make the next day not quite as hard. (But face it, everyday is a hard day in crossfit!) Or if I ran/squat a lot one day, I try to focus more on situps or pullups the next day so you don't have too much wear and tear on your legs.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Today's WOD...Just kill me now

Today's WOD ...

 Kill me now. Glancing, you wouldn't think it's too bad. I don't have to lift weights or anything.. but notice the 20 rounds!!! 20!! That means by the time I'm finished I will have done:

100 burpees
200 pushups (if that's even possible)
300 situps
400 squats

Hmm.. I beginning to think this isn't even possible. What did I get myself into!?!

(Oh, and yes I write my WODs on my hands. I don't have a whiteboard or anything to see what I have to do. And looking at a paper takes time away from my workout so I just write it on my hand so all I have to do is glance down. But, yes, by the end of my workout most of it has sweat itself off! But by the end I also know the routine well enough it doesn't matter.)

Now everyone say..."Good luck Whit!"

I better hurry and get started before my son wakes up from my nap. I'm starting to wonder how long this is going to take me...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Wow. I just started my 7th round when my lil one woke up. (*sigh) That sigh was both a sigh of disappointment and yet a sigh of relief. I was exhausted out there and I wasn't even half way! Looks like I'll be breaking this WOD up into a few sessions today. I hate to do that but a crossfit momma's gotta do what she's gotta do!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Crossfit Momma's Mothers Day

Huzzah! A kettlebell for Mother's Day! When most people asked me what I got for my special day they would chuckle after I told them..well, first they had a puzzled look on their face because they had no idea what a kettlebell even was, then they giggled after I explained. They don't understand why I would want a weight. I guess only a fellow crossfitter would understand my excitement!

You wouldn't think I would be so excited about it due to my recent lack of dedication.

I fell in a rut.

Again. (sigh)

I would love to share my excuses with you. I have some pretty good ones, some are very reasonable, but in the end they are still just excuses. My health should be my priority and saying I haven't had time is lame and there is no justification for me being lazy. I'm ashamed to say it's been 7 days since I have last worked out! (gasp!!)

But I'm going to pick myself back up (again) and start anew! My kettlebell has given me a boost of excitement! Also, I am going to take a different approach this time. I am doing "30 Days for $30". I'm always wanting a new sports bra or new workout clothes so now I have an incentive to work towards. Not that being fit and healthy isn't a good enough incentive, but what girl doesn't love a new sports bra?!

The 30 for $30 works like this...Each day I workout I will reward myself with $1 and will only get $1 each day in the next 30 days. (If I skip a day, I don't earn my money and I can't make it up again after the 30 days.) I already have my WODS scheduled for each day so this shouldn't be too hard, right? Ptsh! I've seen the workouts, it's going to be butt-spankin hard! But it will be worth it-I just know it.
Here I go again. My tiger claws are coming back out and I am going to win this time! I'm not going to let this weight hold me back any longer!  I'm a crossfit momma hear me ROAR!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Did I drink the wrong Kool-Aid?

Maybe I drank the wrong Kool-Aid? Every time I read a blog or an article about someone starting Crossfit, or joining a Box, they always talk about how much they LOVE it and how exciting it is for them. But me, I'm over here thinking "I hate this, I hate this, I hate this" the entire time I'm working out! And it seems everyday I tell myself in a whiny voice, "I don't want to workout!". But I'm turning off that whiny voice and I refuse to listen to it. Here is why...

#1. No it's not fun! It's freaking hard work! But if I stick to it I know I will begin to like it more and more. I think I hate it so much is because it shows my weakness. I can't do one pull-up on my own right now so it's a little discouraging at times. But I know if I keep trying, someday I will be able to 5 pull-ups and maybe even 10 someday! Then I can learn to do them kipping and who knows how many I'll be able to do!!

#2. Results take time. I, like so many people who want to lose weight, want fast results! As much as I want to be fit and sexy right away, I know I need to be patient and all my hard work WILL pay off in time...Remember, slow progress... is progress!!

#3. C'mon Babe, make it hurt so good! Am I the only one who feels guilty if I'm not sore the following day after a workout? I must not have worked hard enough! This doesn't happen very often because usually I wonder if I will ever stop being sore,..but I can always tell if I didn't give it my very best at a workout by the way I feel the next day! If I'm not sore, then I didn't work hard enough and I feel guilty. I'd rather be so sore I can't hardly walk then to feel that horrible "g" word. So I try to remind myself that while I'm working out.

#4. My husband thinks I'm sexy. I wouldn't say my body is sexy (yet) but I think my husband finds it sexy I'm a "crossfitter". He's always calling me "Momma Crossfitter" with an ornery grin on his face and raises his eyebrows as if he's checking me out acting impressed by what he sees. ha! He loves the fact I'm working hard to get fit and strong! Don't get me wrong, he would love me even if I was fat, but he works out and lifts weights so I think it's exciting for him to see me getting stronger too! He is what keeps me going on days I want to give up! I don't want to disappoint him. I want him strive to impress and make him proud so he can tell his friends, "Yea, my wife does Crossfit."

The list could go on.. but excuse me, I need to go drink some more Kool-Aid.